The majority of Ukrainians have fled to the neighboring country of Poland. Most of the people fleeing the war have not been able to take much with them on their unwanted journey. The clothes and shoes they wore to escape are worn and often damaged - people tell us about long walks. In close consultation with the local Caritas, we were able to bring a shipment of very well-preserved clothing donations to the Slaskie region at the end of March 2022.
Zusammen mit der Kirche Ewangelicko Augsburska unterstützen wir ein Gemeindehaus in Szczyrk. Hier finden teils unbegleitete Kinder und durch den Krieg getrennte Familien Obhut. Die Deutsche Kleiderstiftung konnte im März 2022 dieses tolle Projekt mit Bekleidung und Kinderspielzeug unterstützen. Bei der Anlieferung vor Ort merkten wir, dass auch finanzielle Unterstützung [Link zur Geldspende] dringend vonnöten ist. So sicherten wir den Schulkindern eine warme Mittagsmahlzeit bis mindestens zu den Sommerferien.
In Poland, too, diakonia stands for help, support, care and accompaniment for people on the fringes of society. In Wroclaw, for example, the Ewangelickie Centrum Diakonii i Edukacji looks after children and young people in children's homes and boarding schools. The German Clothing Foundation brought clothing and more to them and others in need. In 2011 we supplied a children's home of the Protestant Diakonie Ewangelickie Centrum Diakonii i Edukacji with good first and second hand clothes. Our volunteer who went along with the transport was still under the impression of the experiences on site after returning home. "Can you imagine how their eyes shone? You don't forget something like that!"