Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the district of Helmstedt has been a place of refuge for more than 800 Ukrainian refugees. In our Zweimalschön Charity Shop we enable refugees to buy clothes for free. With this we want to create a little distraction and "normal" everyday life for the innocent people in need. With the free initial equipment, the affected people can choose and browse through their clothes independently and in peace. The German Clothing Foundation is very concerned about supporting people with warmth and dignity.
Together with the initiative Made in Berlin e.V., consisting of Berlin craftsmen and suppliers of building materials, we continue to help in the Ahr valley. Primarily, painter's fleece made of textile residues is supplied, which is essential for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the houses. Likewise, clothing was distributed via the provisionally established building materials warehouse in Altenburg. Here we were able to hand out good first and second hand clothing to the citizens of Altenburg, which we had received as donations due to store closures during the corona pandemic.
Through a trusting and long-standing cooperation with the Jobcenter Helmstedt, the Deutsche Kleiderstiftung is a partner of various support programs. In this way, we can get to know and qualify fellow human beings who have been unable to work for a long time. The goal is to offer the colleagues a permanent job at the end of the support phase. We are very pleased about the cooperation with the Jobcenter and are proud that we have already been able to offer many employees a permanent job with us.
Every 14 days, the German Clothing Foundation delivers clothing to the train station mission in Magdeburg. Here, homeless people can equip themselves with new textiles for free. Thanks to the close contact between us and the people in charge at the Bahnhofsmission, we can adjust our deliveries as needed. In this way, we ensure that the textiles are really needed and find a meaningful use.